School Finance & School Business Services
State Budget Leadership - The Capitol Advisors team has become well known statewide for the high quality budget advocacy and leadership provided on behalf of their clients. The founding partners have worked on budgets under six governors and have been deeply engaged in writing budget language. Our team does not observe during the budgeting process, but fully engaged on behalf of clients.
Budget Perspectives Workshops - For more years, our team has brought local school leaders briefings three times per year that provide a full perspective of the content and implications of the state budget proposals and the final Budget Act. The Governor’s January budget proposal, the May Revision and the enactment of the Budget Act have crucial implications for school planning given the profound the state's education funding system - the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Our budget workshops have an excellent reputation for a factual and accurate presentation of budget issues and a dead-on prognosis for the political variables that shape the outcome of the budget agreements.
Fiscal & Business Services Support - Our experts in school business and education finance position us very well to serve as an important resource to local school agencies in the many areas of classified management. Our team serves as a resource to school business professionals across the state and is equipped to help school districts and county offices of education on projects that span the diversity of school business operations. Challenges and opportunities in school finance, facilities, technology, M&O, transportation, school nutrition, human resources, accounting, payroll, purchasing, and risk management sometimes requires a little outside, independent help. We can help when the complexity and dilemmas that accompany the daily work in school business require an independent perspective.
Budget Perspectives Workshops - For more years, our team has brought local school leaders briefings three times per year that provide a full perspective of the content and implications of the state budget proposals and the final Budget Act. The Governor’s January budget proposal, the May Revision and the enactment of the Budget Act have crucial implications for school planning given the profound the state's education funding system - the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Our budget workshops have an excellent reputation for a factual and accurate presentation of budget issues and a dead-on prognosis for the political variables that shape the outcome of the budget agreements.
Fiscal & Business Services Support - Our experts in school business and education finance position us very well to serve as an important resource to local school agencies in the many areas of classified management. Our team serves as a resource to school business professionals across the state and is equipped to help school districts and county offices of education on projects that span the diversity of school business operations. Challenges and opportunities in school finance, facilities, technology, M&O, transportation, school nutrition, human resources, accounting, payroll, purchasing, and risk management sometimes requires a little outside, independent help. We can help when the complexity and dilemmas that accompany the daily work in school business require an independent perspective.